Laozi and his water buffalo
While I came to Guilin to study Mandarin, half of my “class” time here is devoted to history and philosophy. Yesterday my teacher, Kolok, told me a stories about Laozi: his departure from Chengzhou riding backwards on a water buffalo, his writing of the Tao Te Ching at the behest […]
Guilin, China
I arrived in Guilin, China late last evening and enjoyed my first full day here today. Tomorrow begins my study in Mandarin and Taiji, which I’m looking forward to immensely. As a part of my largely mundane reacquaintance with the city, I decided to get a massage. The 16+ hours […]
One chance out between Two Worlds, Fire Walk with Me.
The energy lately seems to be slightly cloudy with a chance of weird. Lots of people have been complaining about difficulty focusing, emotional rollercoaster rides, intense dreams, and sleep alternating between insomnia and torpor. I personally have been finding it difficult to read more than a few pages at a […]
Singing in the shower
I’ve been asked (and often wondered myself) why I do all this.  Why bother?  I don’t charge money for my services, I’m not after fame, and frankly, it makes me look a bit mad to “sensible” people who knew me “before.”  I just ran across this quote from Alan Watts, […]
Taste the Rainbow
On November 11, 2017, we asked Sera to speak on the subject of energy centers/chakras/rays.  Rachel anchored the session and Daniel channeled their response…   Greetings, lovely children. Behold the glory that is the One Infinite Creation of the One Infinite Creator himself. How may we, as humble servants, be […]
On October 29, 2017, we planned to ask Sera to speak on the subjects of God and the Devil.  Things didn’t exactly go as planned, but some wonderful insights were brought forward.  Rachel anchored the session and Daniel channeled their responses…   Greetings, Beloved Children of Earth. How may we […]
False Prophets
On October 13, 2017, we asked Sera to speak on the polarities of Service to Others and Service to Self.  This is the third post of several on the subject (Click here to read Part One, or here to read Part Two).  As it turns out they had a lot to […]
On October 20, 2017, we asked Sera to speak on the polarities of Service to Others and Service to Self.  This is the second post of several on the subject (Click here to read Part One), as it turns out they had a lot to say on the matter.  These […]
Service to Others
On October 20, 2017, we asked Sera to speak on the polarities of Service to Others and Service to Self.  This is the first post of several on the subject, as it turns out they had a lot to say on the matter.  These are by far the most potent […]
So Many Questions!
On August 13, 2017, we asked Ashar to speak on the purpose of life. Rachel anchored the session and Daniel channeled their response. This is what they had to say: Rachel: Thank you. We would like to ask, on behalf of all. Who Am I, and what is the purpose […]
We are One
On September 17, 2017, we asked Sera to speak briefly on belief and prosperity. Rachel anchored the session and Daniel channeled their response. This is what they had to say:   Resentment, anger, grieving, loss be nonexistent upon realization that all resides within learning and return to the Oneness. That […]
Grab hold.
You are not responsible for the first crazy thought that enters your head… You are responsible for how long you entertain it. Watch the thoughts float by your consciousness.  Some are useful, some are loving, some are resentful and full of fear.  Recognize that these thoughts are not your own. […]
Excel, struggle, succeed, fail… these are stories we tell ourselves. We tell ourselves these stories to push ourselves to, or as we, attempt new things, try on new identities, explore our world. Just as often, we use these stories, or the fears that they generate, to decide not to engage […]
If I only had the opportunity to share one thing with the people walking the planet right now, it would be “stop trying so hard!” Just stop fighting it already! At your very essence, you are divinity itself.  You are a co-creator and co-creation of the Universe.  This reality you walk […]
Have you forgotten who you are? Every moment that has ever been has led to this one. Every moment that will ever be is built upon this same one. This moment could not possibly be any other way than precisely what it is. It is the very definition of perfection, […]