With Sera Icon
With Sera is now known as Daniel Steven Metaphysics. My aim was to change the name to something simple and broad covering not only the wisdom given by Sera, but also my healing work as a Reiki Master and any other modalities that are a part of my as-yet-unknown.  Thus, Daniel Steven Metaphysics was born.
Amy Fitzgerald
Daniel participated in a Q&A session with Amy Fitzgerald for her “Love from Above” series on channeling. It’s a wonderful project she’s undertaken to bring light and focus to those who are being sung through. It was an absolute pleasure to speak with her, and we’re hoping for several more […]
Grab hold.
You are not responsible for the first crazy thought that enters your head… You are responsible for how long you entertain it. Watch the thoughts float by your consciousness.  Some are useful, some are loving, some are resentful and full of fear.  Recognize that these thoughts are not your own. […]
Excel, struggle, succeed, fail… these are stories we tell ourselves. We tell ourselves these stories to push ourselves to, or as we, attempt new things, try on new identities, explore our world. Just as often, we use these stories, or the fears that they generate, to decide not to engage […]
St. Francis by Caravaggio
The Prayer of Saint Francis The Prayer of St. Francis is one of my personal favorites.  While some have derided it as more self-centered than much of his recorded work, and while it was almost certainly written by someone other than the Saint himself (it first appeared, in French, in 1912), […]
Baby Eyes
When you walk with wholeness and humility, there are those who will hold your gaze for just a moment longer than you’d expect.  There are also those who will avert it and disengage immediately. Those who hold it are those who recognize you, even if only for that slightly longer than usual moment. […]
If I only had the opportunity to share one thing with the people walking the planet right now, it would be “stop trying so hard!” Just stop fighting it already! At your very essence, you are divinity itself.  You are a co-creator and co-creation of the Universe.  This reality you walk […]
Have you forgotten who you are? Every moment that has ever been has led to this one. Every moment that will ever be is built upon this same one. This moment could not possibly be any other way than precisely what it is. It is the very definition of perfection, […]
What is love? The short answer is that love isn’t. Love is not a romantic comedy or a hug or a penetration. Love is not a thing to be held, beheld or sought. Love is an absence, in the most profound and wonderful sense of the word. Much like dark […]
Give yourself permission to be a five year old again. Play, dream, jump, fall, scrape your knees and collect toads. Skip rope, sing, hide, make up languages and blow spit bubbles. Only you have the power to grant this permission. Play with your ego, but also teach it what it […]
Language is a desperate and clumsy embrace between souls searching for connection. They remember being whole. They yearn to be together again. Prisoners, bound and blindfolded in a dark and lonely prison, touch their feet together to remind themselves that they are not alone. It is a hopeful Boko-maru.