Just a few random thoughts until the next big download…

Wise, he is, mmm?
1. There is no objective truth.
2. When you believe you are thinking, you are actually listening.
3. Your beliefs (dis)allow thoughts to enter your awareness.
4. You decide to attach to some of those thoughts.
5. You do this primarily to reaffirm your beliefs.
6. You do this thousands of times per second.
7. You create a subjective reality each time.
Choose one belief to disempower/de-energize today and watch what new thoughts enter your awareness for inspection.
I’m choosing “something needs to change in order for me to be ok.”
When confronted with the perception that another believes you responsible for a negative outcome, resist the urge to immediately blame yourself. Resist the reflex to look for what you’ve done wrong. This is a trick of the ego and a form of destructive self centeredness.
Pause and ask yourself “am I being fearful?” Let go of both the fear of inadequacy (I fucked up!) and the need to be right (it wasn’t my fault!). Relax any grasping for any particular outcome at all.
This will undo the energetic knot before it tightens and return you to the present moment. It is then safe to proceed in assessing the situation and finding a solution.
Would you rather live in a reality where you’re never provably wrong but miss 75% of the experience, or one in which your flights of imagination are seen as ridiculous but allow you to see sounds and speak with the unknowable?
Would you rather be right or happy?
And here’s the paradox: in order to choose the latter, you must admit that the former is certainly truer, because it is belief that makes things true and the majority would rather believe themselves right.