Empty Vessel
What is love? The short answer is that love isn’t. Love is not a romantic comedy or a hug or a penetration. Love is not a thing to be held, beheld or sought. Love is an absence, in the most profound and wonderful sense of the word. Much like dark is not the opposite of light, it is the absence of light. Much like black is not a color, it is the absence of color. Much like being present is not the opposite of planning, it is the absence of presupposition. Love is not a condition, it is the lack of condition.
Love is unconditional.
Fear is conditioned response. Fear is reaction and proaction. Fear is your ego seeking to alter both the past and the future, blinding you to the present. Fear prohibits you from being right now, from enjoying the universe’s show as a spectator and participant at once. It seeks to understand, to explain, to control and to manipulate what simply is by altering what has already been and what is yet to be — both of which are conditions that exist nowhere outside of the ego itself. The past and future are purely constructs of your mind’s conditioned fearfulness. It is a learned behavior and grows stronger with each passing moment that you expend energy entertaining its stories.
Love is the lack of fear. Love is the lack of stories. Love is the lack of condition. Love is unconditional. Love is being present and now.