Quite often, agitation is the result of a fear of a semi-conscious expectation not being met. This can manifest itself as irritation, sometimes felt physically, with people or situations around you. When you feel that impatient energy (I feel it as pressure and crawling skin) rise from your midsection upward, causing pressure in your head, bookmark that feeling for future reference.
Now, pause. It always comes back to that pause.

Look over the shoulder of the immediate source of irritation and ask yourself what expectation you had unknowingly set for yourself. It may be something trivial like taking out the trash, or it may be something larger. No matter the size of the expectation, the result is the same. Reset this expectation to whatever is happening in the current moment, Knowing that (as always), everything is ok. Everything is exactly as it needs to be, and it could not possibly be any way other than the way it is.
You will return to the present moment and the friction will be gone.