Below is an interesting conversation between an old friend (my aunt, actually) and The Chorus about the nature of reality and the current energetic landscape. I transcribed as I heard the words.
Questioner: Regarding the more intense energies coming in now. Where do they originate? Intermediately, not just Creator God.
Your question is misleading, as there can be no other origin than the Creator, however, what you experience as intensity is a new awareness or sensitivity to energies that have always been present, but unavailable to your conscious experience for reasons of blockages present to facilitate a narrowing of the light present informing the possible outcomes and realities from which and into which you may choose to create in any given Now.
This was, and always has been a choice, a choice made by you collectively in order that you might experience yourselves as whole and wholly separate, distinct from one another and distinct from your creator. This veil thins as your development as a conscious being en masse has reached the point at which your learning would lead to ultimate destruction or collapse were it to continue on as the only means of learning/facilitating your knowing of self, you see. That class has ended, it is the natural end, not a cataclysmic judgement or natural disaster, but a school bell ringing, beckoning you all to the next level of association with possibility and with the ways in which you may know yourself and therefore know your creator.
Do you see? Your beacons shine more brightly than ever, and the call is heard far and wide, and from it you attract brand new dimensions of reality to yourself, full of possibilities and, yes, intensities, that may seem foreign at first.
Does not the learning of a beginner at first feel overwhelming, intense, daunting and insurmountable? We say yes, and yet you learn and you grow and you become familiar with the patterns that present themselves to you in ways ne’er before possible. Soon, they become commonplace and the learner becomes the master and the cycle begins anew.
We hope we have answered your question to satisfaction, love. It has been our pleasure to be reintroduced to you on this evening or morning or event horizon, if you will.
Questioner: I love it. It makes perfect sense. That enables me to see it in another perspective. But I’m curious. What physical changes are associated with this new veil thinning/awareness?
The physical changes you speak of may also be witnessed from a different perspective, for it is not the physicality which is changing. No, not at all, in fact, but the perception of what it MEANS to be in a physical body or vehicle and what that vehicle is both capable of and what terrain is present for that vehicle to travel through.
You see, it is not a physical reality at all, but a matrix of space, time, belief and a coalescing of the energies present for each that create what you call the physical world. We stress here the gluelike manipulation of a so-called reality by BELIEF.
Questioner: It’s all now. I’m becoming so much more aware of feeling in multiple realities (for lack of a better word) Sometimes feel as if I am just out there all over the place. No specific details but I’m often definitely not here/now.
When we speak of a broadening of possibility, we speak also of a broadening of the beliefs present to support these wider possibilities. With the exponential increase of possible outcomes, coalesced forms multiply in equal measure. And thus, so do the means by which you may PERCEIVE them, you see?
It is in the “eye” of perceiver that the increases in sensitivity and/or changes to the physical form to support these increases that the endeavor to quantify what the changes are to be should begin.
Do you understand, love?
In understanding that you have added multiple fields of possible outcome to each and every decision point or NOW point in which you exist — both past AND present, not to mention future — you begin to see where the difficulty in naming physicality as a source of change begins.
Physicality ITSELF has changed, has drawn to itself new dimension of immersion into the creative force of the all that is.
You may experience these changes as brighter colors, increased sense of smell, broader knowledge of history or the tales of those surrounding you. You may experience them as tastes you’ve yet unthought, or as a lightness in your step. These are the baby steps to a greater understanding of your own place as the zero point for the possibilities present in the reality you are creating in each and every essential NOW.
These examples, of course, are merely that, examples… and poorly written ones at that, but we believe they illustrate the point of “taking off” from the known and into distinctly wider arenas of exposition surrounding what it means to be existent in a reality as a creative being. And, of course, they relate directly to known quantities of sensation.
Shall there be more?