The “things” you create — resentments, fears, barriers — are the property of the emotional self that created them. They exist as energetic structures within your field in the vibration you claimed as you created them, and will continue to rise to your awareness AS that vibration — aka downers — often at inopportune moments. As Paul Selig put it: “that which you damn, damns you back.”
Undoing them must be achieved in a higher frequency, one in which their structural integrity cannot hold. They must be re-known from a higher perspective. To an ant, each grain of sand is a boulder. From six feet above, they melt together into something different entirely.
Some options:
- Pursue with brutal, unrelenting honesty the role you played in the structure’s creation. Where was I afraid? Where was I selfish? Diligently catalog these and feel the structure containing the negativity dissolve.
- Meditate to raise your awareness/vibration and allow the structure to float into your consciousness. Look objectively at the structure or situation and understand its part in the larger picture of growth for you and any other parties involved. Thank it, allow it to be what it is, and release it. Replace the old vantage point consciously with the new.
- Decide “I want to be free, I want to be love” and step into the negative belief structure itself, send it undifferentiated love, then step beyond it. Be steadfast in your decision and do not let your rational mind convince you that the negativity is necessary or justified. This is always a lie. Bookmark this decision.
- Give the negativity to something larger than yourself. Understand that you have been upset with yourself or another for something the Universe was doing all along. How silly. Realize that the Universe knows better than you do, and that it is counter productive to hold grudges against the infinite. Offer your anger or fear as a gift to its true maker and be free of it. Thank the Universe for accepting your gift.