Paul Selig
I attended a channeled workshop/attunement by Paul Selig at the Foundation of the Sacred Stream in Berkeley this Sunday. In all my years of wearing this name, (that’d be 46) I have never experienced such energetic movement while conscious. I remain, some hours later, dumbstruck and consciously vibrating. I’ve closely followed his work for years but was not prepared for the space cleared by the Guide’s deceptively simple messages of Truth and rising above. Everyone needs to experience this.
If you’re not yet familiar with Mr. Selig, I strongly suggest beginning with his first text, I am the Word. If you are already on board, don’t miss a chance to experience it person. Your life is going to change, and this just might prepare you for it.
I like to consider myself fairly in tune most of the time, but during the Q&A I received a personal message from the Guides which has left me shaken, stirred, and beyond eager to claim the new at the expense of what has been known… more on this when my words return to me.