Allowing for a moment that we create our own realities, let’s look at our conscious beliefs and how the structures they build for us cause limitation. Take any limiting belief you like, perhaps not beginning with any base assumptions like gravity, but with something personal.
Let’s use “I am overweight” as a simple example (one I know personally lol).
Quietly drill into this surface assumption and look at the path it has followed, already available in your conscious mind once you choose to look for it.
“I am overweight” leads to “I am overweight because I like to eat,” and then “I often overeat out of boredom or loneliness,” which might become “I often seek my own company over socializing,” and finally something like “I am different/better/less than most people, and therefore prefer to be alone.”
Now, these are just examples, but you will find that most limiting or self critical thoughts can be traced back to that notion of separation from the world around you. Once you can isolate these core beliefs of isolation (heh), and replace them with participatory thoughts, the passive/negative branches of belief begin to fall away in favor of the active/positive.
“I am an active participant in this reality I am co-creating.”
“I will engage with the world and my fellows.”
“I am worthy of the attention of the Universe.”
You’ll find it is no longer a matter of eating/spending/consuming less, as those thoughts no longer occur to you (and if they do, you now know how to change them). You cannot fix a limitation with another limitation, so you must undo the limitation itself. They cannot co-exist with the belief structures of active participation — consumption and creation are entirely different mindsets/frequencies.
So now go out and play.