When you hold a thought, you are creating or reinforcing the object of that thought simultaneously in both the structures of space and time. They are not one and the same, although they play equal parts in the reality you project for yourself. Play with this equation and you may alter the structures containing the thought creation in ways you’d never imagined. A simple way to achieve this, which will both alter your perception of the passing of time and clear the chattering of your mind is to notice and name objects you encounter in your day to day life.
Blue car.
Stop sign.
Notice how these objects hold physical space in your outer reality and now in your inner world as well. As you look away from the objects of your naming, recognize that they persist in your mind — in the structure of time. You have created, from your perception, a new car, stop sign, in time and in space. Now change their metadata slightly.
Red car.
Go sign.
If you look back in the direction of the perceived object, you will recreate it in the “space” it was originally perceived…however, for a passing moment, you will see the altered image of your creation. Just for a split second… and as you continue through your day, pay attention to how your altered creation continues to exist internally. This is not merely imagination. This is a most basic example of your creative power.