Holding Light
On August 28, 2017, we asked Sera to speak briefly on Reiki. Rachel anchored the session and Daniel channeled their response. This is what they had to say:
Rachel: We would like to ask a question on behalf of a friend. It is: “Why does it feel better to use golden-white light rather than violet in Reiki and other healing modalities?”
The answer is vast, my Dear. Not to oversimplify the matter, we should say that ultimately it is a matter of preference or belief in that which serves the highest good to the individualized self utilizing the illumination in question. Whichever spectrum of light is believed the most powerful, of course, shall be the the most powerful when used in a modality of their choosing. Thus it is believed that the querent holds belief that a white light be more pure, “Angelic,” perhaps, than the violet flame in question. That said, it also remains to be said that the wide array of prismatic availability within the white as beheld in your human realm enhances its power inherently for it is all colors at once, you see? Therefore it holds the energies of each ray, individually, together. We hope this satisfies your curiosity on this matter.