Daniel is a Senior Teaching Master and Certified Practitioner of Kali-Ki Reiki (taught by Rajashree Maa), a Master Teacher of Usui/Tibetan Reiki (taught by William Rand), a Certified Psychic Practitioner (taught by Barbara Jean Lindsey) and a member of both the International Association of Reiki Professionals and the International Center for Reiki Training. Daniel blends the expansive awareness of a dedicated and practiced seeker with reductive thinking skills borne of decades in Silicon Valley senior management and software engineering.
His path began with a near death experience which blessed him with the ability to speak with the spirit world/higher consciousness through mediumship and channeling, but left his body in need of deep healing. For Daniel, Reiki began as a means of mending his broken body, but became the perfect framework for understanding his new gifts and path. Since that time, he’s taught classes of all experience levels, been interviewed numerous times about his adventures and performed hundreds of Reiki and channeling sessions for those in need. He now serves on the Advisory Council of The Wisdom School in Napa, CA, heading their efforts in San Francisco, and leads their weekly “Speaking of the Ten Thousand Things” group.
These blessings, coupled with a profound dedication to service has transformed him into a keen speaker, healer, and teacher. His passion for helping others remember who they truly are, stripping away layers of self-limitation and fear, is evident in his enthusiastic and joyful approach to classes, individual sessions and workshops.
In addition to The Wisdom School’s yogic path, Daniel humbly pursues an understanding of the Tao, studying in both Guangxi and the Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan, China. He’s also written several children’s books and is actively involved in the Bay Area recovery community.
Daniel takes great joy in supporting others as they learn to give themselves permission to heal at every level. He considers it an honor/duty to serve both Spirit and clients in whatever capacity he might.
Be kind. Tell the truth. Have fun. Be yourself. Everything is true.
Everything else falls into place when you do these simple things.
No. Unfortunately, I am not accepting new clients at this time. I am, however, always eager to speak with fellow seekers about their adventures in consciousness, so don’t let that stop you from reaching out!
Yes. I am a certified by Kali-Ki Wisdom School as a Teaching Master of both Kali-Ki and Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki, and by William Rand and the International Center for Reiki Training as a Master Teacher of Usui/Tibetan Reiki, certified to teach online. I am also a Certified Intuitive graduate of Barbara Jean Lindsay’s Esotera Intensive Teacher Program, an active member of IARP (International Association of Reiki Practitioners), and am insured as a practitioner by Philadelphia Insurance Companies.
See above, re: new clients. In an effort to put my full attention and energy into the other (quite exciting!) projects I have underway, I have paused regular Reiki classes for the time being. If there is enough unsolicited interest, I do hold small classes from time to time. Please contact me if you’re interested in arranging a private class.
This varies depending on your specific needs. While in person or Zoom sessions are sometimes possible, the most common scenario is simply sending a question which I’ll take to The Chorus during my next “conversation” with them (usually within a week). From there, the channeled message will be transcribed and emailed back to you. On special request, video or audio can be made available as well.
Please note that I will not typically bring “psychic” or “fortune telling” requests to them. If you’re looking for higher wisdom to inform your path or alert you to areas of energetic friction, their loving (and quite direct) guidance will be a beacon for you. If the answer to your question would interfere with your own highest learning or be used to impede or manipulate another, it will be kindly returned.
The Chorus is the undifferentiated name given by the consciousness that speaks and writes through Daniel when in a trancelike state. While most of the early channelings came from a consciousness which identified itself as “Sera,” with increasing frequency, other “personalities” began to appear (e.g. Michael, Ashar, David). Each time, the entity or entities present would answer the question “Who is this?” with “The Chorus speaks as…”
This concept of “The Chorus” pervaded more than simple identification, with references to a chorus’ harmony as a necessary component of a good connection/channel as well as directly citing a chorus singing as a healing or creative process. When asked for individual identification, the pattern that emerged seemed to be that certain members of The Chorus chose to address questions of a particular type — for example, Sera provided general council, while Ashar was a spinner of metaphor and Michael preferred to speak of connection with God/Source. It was not uncommon for the spokesinger of the group to change one or more times within a single session, depending on the topics being addressed.
Rather than continue to delineate boundaries between the individual names and gender pronouns of those who would sing lead in a given session, I’ve opted instead to simply address them all as The Chorus. They certainly don’t seem to mind and have never expressed any interest in claiming domain or credit over the information they present.
While there are no “good” or “bad” questions, there are some whose answers provide greater insight into where your energies are best focused. In channeling The Chorus, I’ve discovered that questions that give them “room to breathe” work best, as she has much to share from a higher perspective than most are accustomed to. When in doubt, the wonderful book Opening to Channel by Sanaya Roman and Duane Parker offers some excellent examples of the types of questions that will resonate with The Chorus. These, of course, can and should be tailored to your specific intention for any reading, but provide a good jumping off point.
What is my life purpose?
What are my lessons in this lifetime?
How can I create more abundance in my life?
What am I learning in my relationship with _______ ?
What is my highest path right now?
How can I best express my creativity?
How can I achieve inner peace?
What will my inner peace feel like?
No. All belief systems are expressions of the same Infinite Source, and are therefore equally valid. Each distortion offers new opportunities for Love and learning.
Yes, I’m sure, and yes, I do. I used to hem and haw over the use of “God” in conversation, writing, even in my own thoughts. The fact is that I was hemming and hawing over someone else’s idea of what God is or is not. Large, organized religions — including atheism (perhaps the most dogmatic and zealous of the lot) — have tainted the word and its use beyond measure. So, in a way, I’m taking it back from them all. My God is infinite, eternal and beyond definition. By this, I mean an intelligence or organizational force that escapes any other description than being much larger than any of us or anything we can truly conceive of. If you’re offended by my use of the word “God,” or the pronoun “Him” when reading what I write, then by all means replace it with something that works for you: Goddess, Tao, Universe, Source, Chaos, Order, Infinity, Shiva, Gaia, Sophia, Pleiadians, The Way, The Force, Doorknob or Frank — he/she/it/they/I/we. It really doesn’t matter so long as you recognize it as being a higher power than your small self.
Yes, I am, actually. I was ordained by the Universal Life Church over ten years ago.
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” ~Rumi